Tuesday May 13, 2025 TBA
How can we use AI tools to increase our efficiency? AI tools are good at de-personalizing communication, summarizing information, and improving our written work and plans.
We will describe AI tools we’ve used: email - both analysis of incoming messages and creation of responses, surveys - how to use AI tools to summarize responses and create action items, frameworks - collect basics of a framework and identify missing components. Throughout all of these activities, the human component is critical for collaboration and innovation. We will discuss how and when AI is an appropriate thought partner - and when it’s not.
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Jennifer Bell

Curriculum TOSA, Oregon City School District
After teaching middle school math for 15 years, Jennifer joined the Oregon City School District as the Math TOSA, then moved into other positions, including administration. She loves working with teachers and students to improve classroom experiences for all students. Her current... Read More →
Tuesday May 13, 2025 TBA

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