Tuesday May 13, 2025 TBA
This presentation offers educators a glimpse into the 2030 workplace, where human ingenuity partners with the power of AI agents, creating a dynamic "Organizational Mind." This O'Mind isn't a single entity, but a dynamic, evolving knowledge repository built from the collective work and interactions of humans and AI within an organization.

Imagine a digital brain that captures every decision, every project, every lesson learned, and makes that knowledge accessible and actionable. This shared intelligence outlives individual employees, becoming a powerful asset that fuels continuous learning, informed decision-making, and unprecedented innovation.

We'll explore how this collaboration transcends routine tasks, empowering humans to focus on creativity, critical thinking, and complex problem-solving.

Imagine students prepared not just for jobs, but for a future where they co-create with AI, contributing to this constantly evolving organizational intelligence. This session examines the skills and adaptability needed to thrive in this environment, focusing on how educators can equip students to navigate the ethical considerations, leverage the learning opportunities, and contribute meaningfully to this new world of work.

Join us to discuss how we can empower the next generation to shape and benefit from the transformative potential of the workplace of the future.

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Janet Johnson

AI Governance Group
Janet has been in technology for more than 40 years. She fell in love with tech when she took her first cell phone call in 1973. She’s worked for Apple, Enron, and companies large and small focusing on Marketing and Sales. Today she serves as a founder of the AI Governance Group... Read More →
Tuesday May 13, 2025 TBA

Attendees (8)

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