Tuesday May 13, 2025 TBA
As the influence of generative AI (genAI) on education continues to grow, teachers and school leaders face the challenge of determining if, how and when these tools should be integrated into classrooms. We need to be thinking about how AI can help enhance learning without undermining student creativity and critical skill development. Leaning on ODE’s recently updated genAI guidance for schools, this session explores how a balanced approach to using these tools can help ensure use of AI serves as a tool for growth while avoiding overreliance that fosters the critical offloading of skill and ability. Attendees will gain insights into when and how to incorporate genAI appropriately, focusing on scaffolding strategies that support foundational skill-building, critical thinking, and creativity. Participants will examine real-world examples, identify risks of over-reliance on AI, and explore frameworks for thoughtful and purposeful integration that help to empower students in their own learning trajectory as they move towards a future shaped, in part, by AI.
Tuesday May 13, 2025 TBA

Attendees (2)

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