Tuesday May 13, 2025 TBA
Empowering Students for the Future Workforce
Join us for a dynamic event where a panel of Oregon university AI professors will share their insights on preparing students for the ever-evolving world of work as soon as 2030. This forward-thinking discussion will delve into the emerging trends that are reshaping industries and the skills students will need to thrive, from advanced technological literacy to critical thinking and adaptability.

By examining current case studies and research, the panel will provide guidance on how educators can revamp curricula to foster creativity and problem-solving skills. Attendees will leave with a deeper understanding of the evolving demands of the future job market and concrete strategies to equip students with the competencies necessary for success in a rapidly changing global landscape. Join us as we build a pathway toward a future where every student is prepared to excel in the workforce of tomorrow.
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Janet Johnson

AI Governance Group
Janet has been in technology for more than 40 years. She fell in love with tech when she took her first cell phone call in 1973. She’s worked for Apple, Enron, and companies large and small focusing on Marketing and Sales. Today she serves as a founder of the AI Governance Group... Read More →
Tuesday May 13, 2025 TBA

Attendees (2)

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