Hi, I’m Brian! I’ve been teaching at Helensview High School in NE Portland since 2011 when I was first hired to run the music studio there after many years of working as an accomplished, but not-at-all-famous touring and recording artist. While working as an Educational Assistant at Helensview, I went back to school at Portland State University to earn a Bachelor’s in Social Science as well as a Master’s in Special Education, then grew into many other roles including Special Education Teacher, Social Sciences Teacher, CTE & Dual Credit Instructor, Teacher Mentor, and Lead Teacher.
At Helensview, I teach Social Sciences, Literacy, and Music Production in our fully equipped recording studio. I also design instructional systems, including schoolwide approaches in areas like literacy, classroom management, and organization.
In wearing many hats, I feel great enthusiasm for both the realized and potential utility in AI at the classroom level, and I’m eager to share some simple ways that I’m using it with the hope that our exchange of ideas can lead us all to better, more efficient practices that yield better service to the kids we serve